May 3, 2016


Middle East

I am a columnist and I often criticize government policies in the Middle East, governments in Israel and in the Arab World. But, I have a deep and personal commitment to work for peace in the Middle East, bringing Palestinians and Israelis, Jews and Arabs together.

I oppose violence, condemn terrorism and strive to advocate for peaceful expressions of differing opinions in the contentious Middle East conflict.

I support Israel’s right to exist and the right of Palestinians to a sovereign statehood based on the Geneva Accords and the Two-State Solution.

My columns and analysis challenge extremism on both sides and seek to empower moderate voices. Criticism is an important aspect of that strategy, but criticism that is focused and based on principle, and on government policies, not people.

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Urban Strategies Group and Ray Hanania represent several national American Arab/Muslim clients in English and Arabic.

Using his more than 40 years of frontline, professional journalism and media communications experience, and his expertise in Middle East issues and politics, Hanania can maximize your reach to the growing American Arab and Muslim community through the domestic Ethnic and Religious Arab & Muslim news media, and through the Middle East news media based in the United States.

If you are a candidate of Arab or Muslim heritage seeking election to public office, Urban Strategies Group and Ray Hanania can help you craft an effective campaign strategy to focus audiences on your assets and ideas, not on your heritage.

Hanania has years of experience providing campaign management and political consulting for mainstream American candidates seeking election to public office from local municipal office to state and national offices including to the U.S. Congress, as well as for “Minority Minorities” who are outside of the mainstream.

You may also want to view Ray Hanania’s new book “PoweR PR” the Ethnic Activists Guide to Strategic Communications & Challenging the Biased Mainstream Media”. It features strategies to overcome the bias inherent in the mainstream American news media and to correct inaccurate perceptions in Western and American societies for those who have been left out of the mainstream news media, the “Minority Minorities.”

Hanania is also the author of “Yalla! Fight Back: Empowering Arabs & Muslims to Control Their Image & Their Lives.” The book features strategies to help Arabs and Muslims in American to counter and confront the bias and racism of the Mainstream American News Media using communications, messaging and an understanding of the flaws built into the Wester journalism industry.

And, don’t forget to check out Ray Hanania’s standup comedy routine which lampoons his Palestinian marriage to his Jewish wife. The couple have one Jewish son, Aaron, and a catholic daughter, Carolyn.