No one knows Illinois and American Politics better. Ray Hanania has represented nearly 100 elected officials and candidates including Suburban & Chicago officials, to countywide, statewide and national office. Hanania provides a Centrist bi-partisan perspective on issues, challenges and achieving solutions.
It’s “Content, Content, Content” and it takes knowledge, experience and a proven talent in effective messaging to write releases, speeches and news media responses that enhance the client’s public image. You only get one chance to respond to a news media-driven crisis. Understanding the news media is as important as knowing the issue. Once you respond, you don’t get a second chance.
Having worked in journalism on the front lines of the toughest beats in Chicago City Hall, politics and the Illinois legislature, Urban Strategies Group worked with dozens of clients to survive and rise above news media bias and criticism by refocusing controversy into public understanding and praise. Controversy is an opportunity to showcase your successes and your talents.
Urban Strategies works with many non-political and non-government private businesses and entrepreneurs to strengthen and promote their public brands, securing media coverage that helps to raise positive public awareness and drive growth. It all comes down to focused messaging, and experienced writing.
Ray Hanania has been on the frontlines of Chicago's biggest stories since the first day he walked into Chicago City Hall in 1976 as a reporter. Many PR professionals can talk about it, but very few communicators have that frontline, cutting edge experience. We will gladly create, distribute and place press releases for you, create news for you, manage news media inquiries. We can get your message to the public through or around the mainstream news media to your primary audiences.
Candidates, campaigns, elections and & politics
Public Relations, press releases
Using today's technologies effectively and strategically
Speak to your audience the way they want to be spoken too